For a Pb2 + ion located on the surface of glass, only the head is polarized by oxygen ions, and the head of the lead block towards the outside is metallic to a certain extent, which will inevitably have a specific effect on the surface behavior of glass. The polarization and deformation of PBC + ions in the tetragonal cell structure of crystalline PbO are more obvious. In the crystallization process of forming the first PbO tetragonal cell, the first four oxygen ions move towards the corpse B '+ ions and form two poles. The last four oxygen ions of lead glass close to lead ions keep a larger distance from lead ions than the first four oxygen ions because of the "polarity" of lead ions.
X-ray structural analysis data show that the distance between the first four oxygen ions and lead ions is 2.3A, the distance between the last four oxygen ions and lead ions is 4.29 people, the latter is nearly twice the former, reflecting the polarization and deformation of Pb2 + ions. When the concentration of PBO in binary pbo-sio2 glass is small, the dispersion of Pb: + is the same as that of Na + ion in na20-sio2 glass, which functions as an external network; when the concentration of PBO is large, the equilibrium of Pb: + / corpse B: + appears obviously, and the real + ion of Pb enters the network as a [PbO:] structure group, so the glass can still be formed up to the highest concentration.

As a metal with higher atomic number, lead block is a kind of material with better shielding effect on ray. Lead composite plate, lead protective clothing, lead cap, lead mask, lead screen, lead glasses, lead glass and so on play a similar role. In ray protection industry, lead block is also called radiation protection lead plate, ray protection lead plate, In addition, the lead plate can also be used in industrial flaw detection, acid and corrosion resistance, sound insulation, batteries, industrial products counterweight, etc. in different industries, it is called flaw detection protection lead plate, sound insulation lead plate, anode lead plate, etc