家用电暖炉不仅可以取暖,而且还可以提供热水,这在冬天是必要的,因为我们都知道冬天在热水中太必要了,我们通常会刷牙,洗脸,洗衣服,洗蔬菜, 电刷锅,浴室等与热水是分不开的,这是人们看电子取暖炉的重要原因。 让我们向大家简要介绍一下。 我想向您介绍山东电热锅炉。
Household electric heaters can not only heat, but also provide hot water, which is necessary in winter, because we all know that it is necessary to brush our teeth, wash our faces, wash clothes, wash vegetables, brush pots, bathrooms and so on. This is an important reason why people look at electronic heaters. Let's give you a brief introduction. I'd like to introduce Shandong electric boiler to you.
1.在家用电热炉上工作时,必须始终有人在水位和压力表附近。 不应有过失责任。 在夜班工作时,应调整工作时间表,在深夜工作,白天休息和晚上工作。 我不想睡??觉,因为如果有任何粗心,都会发生事故。
1. When working on a household electric stove, there must always be someone near the water level and pressure gauge. There should be no fault liability. When working in the night shift, the work schedule shall be adjusted to work late at night, rest during the day and work at night. I don't want to sleep because if I'm careless, there will be accidents.
2.家用电采暖炉每晚必须排放锅炉,并且每晚必须清洗水位计。 电机和其他机械设备也应经常检查。 一旦发现任何异常,应立即检查。 每周检查阀的性。
2. The household electric heating furnace must discharge the boiler every night, and the water level gauge must be cleaned every night. Motors and other mechanical equipment shall also be inspected frequently. Once any abnormality is found, it shall be checked immediately. Check the safety of the safety valve every week.
3.家用电加热炉在打开电炉之前要仔细检查电加热炉的各个系统部件,检查三个控制压力表,阀,供气管道配件和水位表是否正常。 规定的衣服可以继续工作。
3. Before opening the household electric heating furnace, carefully check each system component of the electric heating furnace, focusing on whether the three safety control pressure gauges, safety valves, air supply pipe fittings and water level gauges are normal. The prescribed clothes can continue to work.
4.向家用电热炉注水时,请勿一只手操作。 调节动作是用一只手打开水闸来打开注水阀。 当水注入到指定的水位时,必须关闭蒸汽门。 脸部不得面对水面,以防止飞溅物损坏脸部。 然后关闭水闸,并且警告顺序无法撤消。

Please do not operate with one hand when filling the household electric stove with water. The regulating action is to open the water gate with one hand to open the water injection valve. When the water is injected to the specified level, the steam valve must be closed first. Do not face the water to prevent splashes from damaging the face. Then close the sluice and the warning sequence cannot be undone.
本公司具有20多年的实际生产经验,是集新能源,和设备的研究,设计,制造和安装于一体的综合经验。 的业务。 天一奇企业依靠这座重工业城市的物质和技术基础,以自身的资金实力为动力,积极响应减排政策,努力成为电力行业的龙头企业 东北地区的取暖器行业。
Tianyiqi electric heater Co., Ltd. is located in Sunan Industrial Park, Sujiatun District, Shanghai. With more than 20 years of practical production experience, it is a comprehensive experience integrating research, design, manufacturing and installation of new energy, energy saving and environmental protection equipment. Professional business. Relying on the material and technical foundation of this heavy industrial city, tianyiqi enterprise, driven by its own strong financial strength, actively responds to the national energy conservation and emission reduction policies, and strives to become the leading enterprise in the power industry, the heater industry in Northeast China.
以上是今天为您介绍的内容。 希望每个人都对电采暖炉有所了解:
The above is what I will introduce to you today. I hope everyone knows something about electric heating furnace: