Proper use, cleaning and maintenance are equally important when removing radiation protective clothing. What should be paid attention to when taking off radiation protective clothing?
1. 脱掉防护服的顺序与穿上防护服的顺序相反。不要接触防护服上可能被化学物质污染的区域。
1. Take off the protective clothing in reverse order to put on the protective clothing. Do not touch areas on protective clothing that may be contaminated with chemicals.
2. 如有可能,对放射防护服进行、清洁、检查和气压测试,以供再用。
2. If possible, detoxify, clean, check and air pressure test the radiation protective clothing for reuse.
3. If the radiation protective clothing is exposed to toxic chemicals, detoxify it properly, and then take off the protective clothing.

4. 如果防护服不能,应丢弃。
4. If the protective clothing cannot be detoxified, it should be discarded safely.
5. 当防辐射服内有足够的空气以污染时,离开工作场所或热区,并及时脱下防辐射服。
5. When there is enough air in the radiation proof clothing to remove the pollution safely, leave the workplace or hot area, and take off the radiation proof clothing in time.
These are precautions for taking off radiation protective clothing. People pay more and more attention to the harm of radiation to human body. In many specific working environments, workers need to wear special radiation protective clothing.