The gas steam boiler manufacturer popularizes the common sense of quotation and error for the customer, can avoid the user to be deceived in the inquiry!
Found that many users have made the same mistake, that is to come up to ask your home steam boiler how much money? This problem is very comprehensive, detailed pressure and other relevant data, this difference is very big, design and construction components are different, the use of raw material standards are different, so the quotation will be very different, there is no comparability, performance in the process of use will have a large distance.
2. 一些用户一听到这个报价,就说:“贵公司的产品太贵了。我问过其他便宜得多的公司。这是一个巨大的错误,其他便宜的配件是不完整的,不是一个大大企业配件,公司的实力如何,售后服务跟踪等了解清楚,如果你只看也看不出还有什么不能问,那你一定是被骗了。

2. Upon hearing the offer, some users said, "your products are too expensive. I've asked other companies that are much cheaper. This is a huge mistake, other cheap parts are incomplete, not a big brand big enterprise parts, the strength of the company, after-sales service tracking to understand clearly, if you only look at the price can not see what can not ask, then you must be cheated.
3, just say the hot water used by the heating furnace is not very large, the heating furnace is clear how much heating area, where the area of use and so on. Hot water is often used in bathhouses, hotels or construction sites, where it is also necessary to know how many people bathe or how much hot water is needed.