蒸汽锅炉水处理方法外的锅炉,锅炉内部也称为锅炉锅炉内部和外部分钱。一般来说,蒸汽锅炉和蒸汽两用锅炉大于2 t / h,化学水处理炉外应采取尽可能,反之亦然,化学处理蒸汽锅炉内只能采用,但水质需要通过其他方式担保。
The boiler outside the steam boiler water treatment method, the boiler interior is also called the boiler interior and exterior cent. Generally speaking, if the steam boiler and dual-purpose steam boiler are more than 2 T / h, the chemical water treatment boiler should be used outside the boiler as much as possible, and vice versa. The chemical treatment steam boiler can only be used inside, but the water quality needs to be guaranteed by other ways.
Before the boiler water treatment, it means that the feed water enters the steam boiler, and the hardness of water is controlled within a reasonable range. Now the main method of ion-exchange water treatment is that water is relatively easy to replace with production scale materials, and finally the hardness of water reaches the softening effect. The hardness of feed water of steam boiler can reach the qualified standard by using the method of ion exchange softening, which can prevent the scaling of boiler.
So as long as the boiler equipment must use water treatment equipment, the group's boiler plants are equipped with full-automatic reverse osmosis water treatment, the soft water effect is good, and the service life of the boiler is extended. Welcome new and old customers to the company for purchase. The following points should be paid attention to when using hot water for boiler

The gas-fired hot water boiler belongs to atmospheric pressure equipment, that is, the use and risk of no need to record the wind are small. However, before ignition, a comprehensive inspection shall be carried out to ensure that all auxiliary parts are normal. Water can be added to the boiler. The following problems shall be noted before adding water.
1. If it is a hot water boiler of more than 2 tons, the water used must be treated to ensure that the water entering the boiler is qualified soft water, and sampling and testing shall be carried out if necessary.
2. 进水温度在15-25度左右,进水速度不宜太快。这些是为了避免锅炉不均匀加热。加煤机必须按照说明书操作,避免缩短使用寿命。
2. The water inlet temperature is about 15-25 ℃, and the water inlet speed should not be too fast. These are to avoid uneven heating of the boiler. The coal feeder must be operated in accordance with the instructions to avoid shortening its service life.
3. After the completion of water supply, firefighters shall regularly check whether the boiler water level is abnormal. If the water level drops, test the drain valve or close other valves.
4. 若水位已达到正常水位并继续上升,则应检查水泵是否关闭或水阀是否有问题。如有问题,请及时处理。
4. If the water level has reached the normal level and continues to rise, check whether the water pump is closed or whether there is a problem with the water valve. If there is any problem, please deal with it in time.