When X-ray penetrates the human body, it will produce certain biological effects. If there are too many X-rays in contact with the medical protective lead glass installed in the hospital, it will produce certain degree of radiation damage. However, if the X-ray exposure is within the allowable range, the medical protective lead glass generally has little impact. People do not have to refuse necessary X-ray and CT examination because of radiation, let alone the radiology department of the hospital I dare not enter the area
First of all, we should know that strong acid oxidant lotion is generally used for cleaning of lead glass ray protective materials. Strong acid oxidant lotion is made up of dichromate and concentrated sulfuric acid. In addition, we should also pay attention to that this kind of lotion should not be splashed on the body when it is used, so as to prevent "burning" clothes and damaging the skin. When the lotion is poured into the instrument to be washed, the surrounding wall of the instrument should be fully soaked after washing In addition, we should also pay attention to: after washing the instrument just soaked with a small amount of water for the first time, the waste water should not be poured into the pool and sewer, which will corrode the pool and sewer for a long time, and should be poured into the waste tank for centralized treatment.

Lead glass protection adopts the principles of shielding and distance protection. Lead glass shielding protection for medical protection refers to the use of substances with higher atomic number, commonly used lead or substances containing lead, as a barrier to absorb unnecessary X-ray. Distance protection refers to the use of the principle that the X-ray exposure is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, to reduce the exposure by increasing the distance between the X-ray source and the human body All lead products are made of lead ingots above 99.99, which are mainly used for hospital protection, industrial flaw detection and industrial corrosion prevention. The specification, width and thickness of lead plate are less than 1.5m, and the thickness ranges from 0.3mm-50mm, which can also be customized according to the needs of users.