What method can improve the combustion efficiency of gas boiler?
The boiler produces a lot of grate air and secondary air of high-temperature flue gas furnace between reducing atmosphere and strong disturbance under the action of scattered heating load, and the diffusion grate air of high-temperature flue gas furnace with strong disturbance. Here is a brief introduction to the conditions for the combustion of oil and gas boilers:
1. 炉排孔不明显,倾角合理,停止间隔、振动频率和振动时间适宜。
1. The grate hole is not obvious, the inclination angle is reasonable, and the stop interval, vibration frequency and vibration time are appropriate.
2. The wind that blows through the fuel first, the wind at the bottom of the fire is rich and slightly boiling.
3. The secondary air angle is reasonable and can restrain the flame on the string.
4. 适宜的氧含量为3% ~ 6%,秸秆燃料含碳量低,挥发分含量大,灰分含量大,燃料空隙率大,燃尽时间长,需要富氧燃烧。
4. The appropriate oxygen content is 3% - 6%. Straw fuel has low carbon content, high volatile content, high ash content, large fuel voidage, long burn out time and needs oxygen enriched combustion.
5. According to the drying degree of the fuel, the ignition air is used to increase the preheating temperature of the fuel as much as possible to form a grate fire.

6. 保持燃料湿度低于20%,降低点火温度。
6. Keep the fuel humidity below 20% and reduce the ignition temperature.
7. 将燃油灰分保持在20%以下,以增加燃尽的程度。
7. Keep fuel ash below 20% to increase burnout.
8. 炉排两侧燃料分布为中、高、低,炉排厚度适宜。
8. The fuel distribution on both sides of the grate is medium, high and low, and the thickness of the grate is appropriate.
9. 燃料应尽可能的细,颗粒大小应适合与氧保持良好的结合表面。
9. The fuel shall be as fine as possible and the particle size shall be suitable for a good bonding surface with oxygen.
10. 连续喂料,避免分段喂料。
10. Continuous feeding, avoid sectional feeding.
11. The ratio of primary air and secondary air is 3:7 or 4:6. Select the speed of wind according to different materials, so that the speed of wind is suitable for fuel combustion.
12. 二次风及时进入炉膛,搅拌炉膛内气体混合,使炉膛内烟气产生涡流,增加了炉内悬浮的粉煤灰和粉煤灰可燃物的行程,进一步减少了粉煤灰和粉煤灰可燃物。
12. The secondary air enters the furnace in time, mixing the gas in the furnace, making the flue gas in the furnace generate eddy current, increasing the travel of the suspended fly ash and fly ash combustibles in the furnace, and further reducing the fly ash and fly ash combustibles.