Distinguish three aspects of radiation protection material and common lead plate
1. 不同的射线屏蔽能力
1. Different radiation shielding capabilities
Radiation protection lead plate is a kind of special equipment for radiation protection, which has strong radiation protection ability. This is also due to the special material of radiation protection. The outer layer is lined with stainless steel plate for radiation protection, which makes it have more superior radiation protection ability. The ordinary doors, whether made of stainless steel or wood products, do not have the ability of radiation shielding, so they are not applicable under the irradiation of large doses of radiation.
2. 不同程度的操作方便
2. Convenient operation in different degrees
The gamma ray protection lead plate sold on the market can be controlled by a computer, and consumers can switch the gamma ray protection lead plate through the control button. Therefore, the gamma ray protection lead plate can better reduce the time consumption caused by opening and closing the door, and accelerate the speed of hospital medical radiation exposure. Ordinary doors need to be opened and closed manually in operation, so more time may be wasted on doctors and patients.

When different parts of the body are exposed to different doses of radiation, they can repair or expel damaged and dead cells according to the body's self-healing ability, and even lead to infertility, hemopoiesis inhibition and even cancer. If the crystal eyes are irradiated with excessive X-ray, it may lead to vision turbidity, vision disorder, cataract and other eye diseases. When the gonad is exposed to excessive radiation, it may lead to infertility or permanent infertility. When the pregnant women are over irradiated, it may lead to fetal deformity or death. Therefore, X-ray protection is a necessary and serious topic.
In fact, the radiation absorption performance of lead plate is relatively good, and the basic principle of work is also relatively complex, so it is very good to add such functions to the radiation protection of lead plate to improve its various functions!