Lead protection lead door has beautiful appearance, stainless steel plate and plate connection adopts elevator stainless steel plate interface technology, and all adopt imported glue bonding, bonding is very flat, firm, no degumming; the main structure adopts unique design, so that the dose leakage between the door and the wall is quite small; it has the anti pinch device of red external line to ensure the personal safety of the staff; In addition, it also has a device to prevent the three-phase power supply from damaging the opening motor of the screen door, so as to ensure that the reverse phase of the power supply can be immediately known when the three-phase power supply is reversed.
The ray proof lead door is mainly used in the import and export where the ray needs to be blocked. It is mainly used in hospitals, computer rooms and mining areas. According to the door type, it can be divided into horizontal opening ray proof lead door, push-pull ray proof door and electric ray proof lead door.
1.平开铅门 ;平开铅门,可分为内开门和外开门,门体的结构和材料是根据放射线机的功率大小(KV)及门洞口大小来决定的,五金件为进口专用件。
1. The lead door can be divided into the inner door and the outer door. The structure and material of the door body are determined by the power (kV) of the radiation machine and the size of the door opening, and the hardware parts are imported special parts.
2.推拉铅门 ;推拉防射线门,开启方向是沿着墙壁平行移动,门体的结构与材料是根据放射线机的功率大小(KV)及门洞口大小来决定的,门框结构与平开门结构有所区别。
2. Push and pull lead door; push and pull ray proof door, the opening direction is parallel to the wall. The structure and material of the door body are determined by the power of the radiation machine (kV) and the size of the door opening. The door frame structure is different from the side door structure.

3.电动铅门 ;电动防射线门一般适合较大的门体,由于重量较重,人力开启比较吃力,所以采用电动开启方式。
3. Electric lead door; electric ray proof door is generally suitable for larger door body. Due to its heavy weight and hard manual opening, electric opening mode is adopted.
Open form can be divided into flat open type and moving type. :
1 、应定期对工业门上的灰尘进行清洗,保持工业门及玻璃、五金件的清洁和光亮。因为即使是不锈钢,一旦沾染上灰尘、污垢,其中的化学物质也会腐蚀不锈钢表面,长此以往的话,会使钢体变坏、变烂,影响辐射防护自动门的运行性能。
1. The dust on the industrial door should be cleaned regularly to keep the industrial door, glass and hardware clean and bright. Because even stainless steel, once contaminated with dust and dirt, the chemical substances in it will corrode the surface of stainless steel. In the long run, the steel body will be deteriorated and rotten, which will affect the operation performance of radiation protection automatic door.
2 、一旦辐射防护自动门上污染了油渍等难以清洗的东西,可以用洁尔亮擦洗,而更好不要用强酸或强碱溶液进行清洗,这样不仅容易使型材表面光洁度受损,也会破坏五金件表面的保护膜和氧化层而引起五金件的锈蚀,特别是有些客户在用硫酸清洗墙面时,千万注意不要让门窗受染。
Two Once the radiation protection automatic door is contaminated with oil stains and other things that are difficult to clean, you can use jieerliang to clean, but it is better not to use strong acid or alkali solution for cleaning. This will not only easily damage the surface finish of the profile, but also damage the protective film and oxide layer on the surface of the hardware, causing corrosion of the hardware parts. Especially, some customers should pay attention to this when cleaning the wall with sulfuric acid Don't let the doors and windows get stained.
3 、应及时清理框内侧颗粒状等杂物,以免其堵塞排水通道而引起排水不畅和漏水现象,后果严重的还会影响辐射防护自动门的运行,缩短自动门的使作寿命,并且还存在隐患。
3. It is necessary to clean up the particles and other impurities inside the frame in time, so as to avoid blocking the drainage channel and causing poor drainage and water leakage. If the consequences are serious, the operation of the radiation protection automatic door will be affected, the service life of the automatic door will be shortened, and there will be potential safety hazards.
4 、在开启工业门时,力度要适中,尽量保持开启和关闭时速度均匀。
4. When opening the industrial door, the force should be moderate and the speed of opening and closing should be uniform as far as possible.
5 、平时在进出自动门时,忌讳急躁、横冲直撞,尽量避免坚硬的物体撞击辐射防护自动门或划伤型材表面。
5. When entering and leaving the automatic door, avoid impatience and collision, and try to avoid hard objects impacting the radiation protection automatic door or scratching the surface of profile.
6 、在发现工业门在使用过程中有开启不灵活或其它异常情况时,应及时查找原因,如果客户自已不能排除故障时,应及时与辐射防护自动门生产厂家或供应商联系,以便故障能得到及时排除。如果自动门没有得到及时维修,应暂停使用,以免产生意外。
6. In case of inflexible opening or other abnormal conditions found in the process of using the industrial door, the cause shall be found out in time. If the customer can not eliminate the fault by himself, the manufacturer or supplier of automatic radiation protection door shall be contacted in time, so as to eliminate the fault in time. If the automatic door is not repaired in time, it should be suspended to avoid accidents.
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