The so-called coal-fired steam boiler startup essentially refers to the start-up of the whole boiler unit, and the so-called coal-fired steam boiler startup essentially refers to the start-up of the whole boiler unit. Even if the steam boiler changes from static state to on load operation, that is, the process from ignition of steam boiler to rated load (unit unit) or integration into steam main pipe (main pipe unit).
实质上是一种变动工况的运行。启动过程中, 燃煤蒸汽锅炉机组的启动过程。燃烧逐渐加强,炉膛温度逐渐提高,局部炉水汽化,水循环逐渐建立,蒸汽发生,汽压逐步升高,设备各部件逐渐过渡到正常运行状态。启动过程中,要求各种设备能得到正确的维护,并使各部件在受热后不于发生导致破坏性的热应力,以及在允许的条件下,缩短启动时间,降低工质热量损失。
In essence, it is a kind of operation under variable working conditions. During the start-up process, the start-up process of coal-fired steam boiler unit. The combustion is gradually strengthened, the furnace temperature is gradually increased, local boiler water is vaporized, water circulation is gradually established, steam is generated, steam pressure is gradually increased, and all parts of the equipment gradually transition to normal operation state. During the start-up process, it is required that all kinds of equipment can be properly maintained, and that the components will not be subject to destructive thermal stress after being heated, and that the startup time can be shortened and the heat loss of working medium can be reduced under allowable conditions.
通常分为冷态启动和热态启动。热态启动又包括温态(停运时间>24h<48h热态(停运时间>8h<24h和极热态(停运时间>2h<8h三种启动方式。所谓冷态启动, 根据蒸汽锅炉启动前所处的状态不同。就是锅炉处于室温状态下的启动。例如检修后蒸汽锅炉的启动,或是停炉备用时间较长,汽压已降到零状态的启动。热态启动,就是指短时间停炉备用的锅炉,由于停炉时间不长,锅炉还有一定的汽压,炉内还蓄有大量热量状态的锅炉启动。冷态启动和热态启动的内容、方法基本上是相同的只不过热态启动是冷态启动已经运行了若干过程基础上的启动。因此,熟悉了冷态启动的过程,自然就掌握了热态启动。
It is usually divided into cold start-up and hot start-up. Hot start includes three startup modes: warm state (shutdown time > 24h < 48h), hot state (shutdown time > 8h < 24h) and extremely hot state (shutdown time > 2H < 8h). The so-called cold start-up is different according to the state of steam boiler before start-up. It is the start-up of the boiler at room temperature. For example, start-up of steam boiler after maintenance, or start-up of boiler shutdown for a long time and steam pressure has dropped to zero. Hot start-up refers to the boiler which is shut down for a short time for standby. Due to the short shutdown time, the boiler still has a certain steam pressure and a large amount of heat is stored in the boiler. The contents and methods of cold start-up and hot start-up are basically the same, but the hot start-up is based on the cold start-up which has run several processes. Therefore, familiar with the cold start-up process, naturally master the hot start-up.
蒸汽锅炉的启动方式也不同。机、炉之间的连接系统大致可分为单元制系统和母管制系统。 燃煤蒸汽锅炉与汽轮机之间的蒸汽管道连接方法不同。
The starting mode of steam boiler is also different. The connection system between turbine and furnace can be roughly divided into unit system and main pipe system. The connection method of steam pipe between coal-fired steam boiler and steam turbine is different.
锅炉机组启动方式又可分为额定参数启动和滑参数启动。 按汽轮机冲转时的蒸汽参数状态来区分。
The start-up mode of boiler unit can be divided into rated parameter start-up and sliding parameter start-up. It is distinguished according to the steam parameter state of steam turbine during impulse starting.
燃煤蒸汽锅炉启动, 额定参数启动时。当蒸汽参数升额定值时,再冲转汽轮机,汽轮机从冲转带额定负荷期间,主蒸汽阀门前的蒸汽参数始终坚持为额定值。这种启动方式的运行灵活性和经济性均较差,仅在母管制的小型机组上应用,单元制运行的大型机组已不再采用这种启动方式。
When the coal-fired steam boiler is started first, when the rated parameters are started. When the steam parameters rise to the rated value, the steam parameters in front of the main steam valve are always maintained at the rated value during the period when the steam parameters change from impulse to rated load. The operation flexibility and economy of this start-up mode are poor. It is only applied to the small-sized units of the main control system, but it is no longer used in the large-scale units operated by the unit system.
又称为联合启动。锅炉点火, 单元制机组通常采用滑参数启动。蒸汽升压、升温的过程中,利用低温、低压蒸汽进行蒸汽管道的暖管,当达到一定参数后汽轮机进行冲转及并网,并随着汽温、汽压的升高逐渐提高汽轮机的负荷。整个启动的过程中,主蒸汽阀门前的蒸汽参数随机组负荷的升高而升高。
Also known as joint start-up. When the boiler is ignited, the unit unit is usually started with sliding parameters. In the process of steam pressure rise and temperature rise, low-temperature and low-pressure steam is used to warm up the steam pipe. When certain parameters are reached, the steam turbine will be run and connected to the grid. With the increase of steam temperature and pressure, the load of steam turbine will be gradually increased. During the whole start-up process, the steam parameters in front of the main steam valve increase with the increase of load.
蒸汽管道的暖管、汽轮机的启动与锅炉的升压同时进行, 滑参数启动有以下的优点:启动过程中。从而使整台机组的启动时间缩短,增加了运行调度的灵活性;整台机组的加热过程是从较低的温度和压力开始的金属受热膨胀比较均匀并使受热面得到良好的冷却,由于开始进入汽轮机的蒸汽压力和温度均较低,蒸汽的容积流量较大,容易充溢汽轮机,而且流速也较大,汽轮机的各部分均匀而迅速的升温,不致于产生过大的热应力;启动过程经济性提高,特别是设置旁路系统的机组,启动过程中可回收工质及利用工质的热量,工质损失和燃料消耗减少,机组在启动过程中即可以发电。
Steam pipe warming, steam turbine start-up and boiler pressure rise are carried out at the same time. As a result, the start-up time of the whole unit is shortened, and the flexibility of operation scheduling is increased. The heating process of the whole unit starts from the lower temperature and pressure, and the metal expands evenly and the heating surface is well cooled. Since the steam pressure and temperature entering the steam turbine are low, the volume flow of steam is large, and it is easy to overflow the steam turbine The unit with bypass system can recover the heat of working medium and make use of it, reduce the loss of working medium and fuel consumption, and the unit can generate electricity during the start-up process.
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