1. Good weldability, good wetting performance.
2. The distribution of rosin in the line is uniform and continuous.
3. No bad smell, less smoke, no poisonous volatile gas.
4. The winding is neat and even with bright surface.
5. Through the SGS test, no pollution to the environment
1)铅门为避免焊接变形,铅板,防辐射铅板,厂家直销 焊接时采用对称焊接(包含对焊、立焊、斜焊);
1) In order to avoid welding deformation, symmetrical welding (including butt welding, vertical welding and oblique welding) is adopted for direct welding of lead door;
(2) During the welding process of lead door, slag shall be removed from each weld and spatter shall be removed. When defects are found, angular grinding wheel shall be used for grinding to remove defects;
(3) After the welding work of lead door is finished, the welding area and welding site shall be cleaned up and transferred to the next welding node.

4. Post weld inspection
(1) Weld appearance inspection shall be conducted after weld cooling;
(2) There should be no cracks in the weld, the weld metal and the base metal are fully fused, and all the cracks are filled;
(3)焊缝不应溢流。 一、铅的熔点很低,为327℃,热导率也仅为铁的43%,因此焊接时要选用温度低、能率小的热源。常用的热源是氢氧焰和氧乙炔焰。
(3) The weld shall not overflow. 1、 The melting point of lead is very low, 327 ℃, and its thermal conductivity is only 43% of that of iron. Therefore, the heat source with low temperature and low energy rate should be selected for welding. The common heat sources are oxyhydrogen flame and oxyacetylene flame.
2、 After the melting of lead, a layer of lead oxide film with a melting point of 1525 ℃ is easily formed on the surface of the molten pool, which hinders the fusion of metals with each other and forms slag inclusion and incomplete penetration at the edge of the weld.
3、 The density of lead is high, the density is 11.34g/cm3, the melting point is low, and the fluidity is very high. Therefore, it is very difficult to weld horizontally and overhead. If we don't master it well, it will cause a lot of falling current.
4、 The boiling point of lead is low, only 1619 ℃. During welding, the evaporated lead reacts with the air to form toxic oxides. Therefore, lead poisoning should be prevented during welding. Lead gate
5、 Lead has a high deformation ability, and there will be no significant welding stress and crack and deformation caused by stress in the weldment after welding.