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    来源:http://www.jnlzsb.com 发布时间:2021-04-29

    The small size of steel valveless filter series products is square and flat top cover, while the large size is round and arched top cover. It has good health protection conditions and can be set in the open air. Compared with reinforced concrete filter, it has small self weight and can use asphalt sand flexible foundation.
    The steel valveless filter system is very suitable for surface water purification (such as large and medium-sized landscape water, artificial rivers and lakes, fountains and waterfalls, etc.); Removal of iron and iron from groundwater; By pass water by pass filtration; Removal of suspended impurities from production wastewater; After biochemical treatment and secondary sedimentation tank treatment, the organic wastewater is filtered, and the indoor swimming pool water is filtered.
    Application of gravity valveless filter:
    1. It is used for side filtration treatment of circulating cooling water in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, oil refining, light industry, textile and other industries.
    2. It is used for surface water purification, groundwater iron and manganese removal.
    3. It is used for filtration treatment in urban and township waterworks.
    4. It is used for pretreatment of softening and desalting.
    5. It is used for purifying water features of swimming pools and fountains.
    6. It is used to remove suspended solids from production wastewater, biochemical treatment of organic wastewater, secondary sedimentation tank treatment and subsequent filtration.

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