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    来源:http://www.jnlzsb.com 发布时间:2021-07-15

    What are the factors influencing gas consumption of gas fired boiler? Let's introduce it to you.
    1. Height of internal building
    The higher the building is, the larger the cooling space is. If you want the room or the whole building to reach a predetermined temperature, the power of the gas-fired boiler will be increased, resulting in an increase in gas consumption.
    2. Indoor heating temperature
    Setting the temperature of gas-fired boiler too high or too low will affect the gas consumption of gas-fired heating boiler. Setting too high will waste resources, while setting too low will lead to too low initial temperature and also affect the gas consumption of gas-fired boiler.
    3. Number of layers and direction
    The orientation and number of floors of the room will also affect the gas consumption of the gas-fired boiler. If the single layer faces west, the room temperature will be higher. If the floor is too low, it is easy to get damp, which is not conducive to indoor air circulation and will affect air consumption.
    4. Are the neighbors warming up
    If there is a temperature difference between adjacent rooms, heat transfer will occur between rooms. If the neighbor's temperature is very high, the temperature of his own home will rise and the gas consumption will decrease.
    5. Whether the air tightness of buildings is good or not, and the thermal performance of doors, windows and walls affect the gas consumption of gas boilers.
    The above is the small series for you to introduce the influence of gas boiler gas consumption factors, I hope you can understand.

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