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    来源:http://www.jnlzsb.com 发布时间:2021-07-26

    In order to ensure the normal and safe operation of the boiler, it is necessary to rely on the close cooperation of the boiler accessories. Although the accessories seem insignificant, they play an important role. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the boiler, its staff should be able to respond to the emergencies in the operation process in time. Let's take a look at the long-term events
    1. Furnace tube explosion: scaling or corrosion of furnace tube caused by poor water quality; Water shortage and pipe explosion may also be mutually causal. In addition, pipe explosion accidents may be caused due to design defects, insufficient material strength and poor welding quality.
    2. Steam water co transpiration: the main reasons for this situation are: poor water quality, too high salt content or too rapid increase of boiler load. When steam water co transpiration is found, water quality treatment must be strengthened and continuous blowdown must be increased.
    3. Boiler water shortage: when the boiler is found to be short of water, it is strictly prohibited to enter the water, and emergency shutdown measures shall be taken. The causes of boiler water shortage accidents are mostly related to the operator's laxity, paralysis and misoperation, or the boiler maintenance blockage fault caused by the lack of flushing measures on the water level gauge.
    4. Boiler overpressure: caused by the stoker blindly increasing the working pressure or leaving the post without permission; Sometimes, due to the failure of pressure gauge and safety valve at the same time, boiler overpressure will also be caused in boiler maintenance. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection of Stoker's post responsibility system and safety accessories.
    The above is the relevant content introduced by Xiaobian. I hope it can help you. More wonderful content can be directly focused on: http://www.jnlzsb.com

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