After careful selection, Shandong multi-media filter has selected some very good filter materials. Quartz sand is one of them. What are the advantages of using quartz sand as filter material?
1、 连续自清洗过滤:过滤介质自动循环,连续清洗,无需停机进行反冲洗。
1. Continuous self-cleaning filtration: filter media automatically circulate, continuous cleaning, no need to stop for backwashing.
2. Simplified water treatment process, small area, simple structure, flexible installation and operation. The energy consumption and manpower management cost of multi-links in raw water treatment process are reduced, and the operation difficulty is reduced.

3. The effect of coagulation reaction is obvious: the application of coagulation reaction mechanism and sedimentation mechanism can effectively remove suspended and colloidal substances in water, which is conducive to further reducing the turbidity of effluent in sand filter area. Compact structure: The equipment integrates coagulation reaction, filtration and continuous cleaning.
4、降低原水的悬浮物(SS)含量:配合微絮凝装置,进水高SS≤mg/L的各种工业用水、城市生活污水、工业 用水作为回用水,去除率≥90%,达到过滤效果。
4. Reduce the suspended solids (SS) content of raw water: With micro-flocculation device, all kinds of industrial water, municipal domestic sewage and industrial water with the highest SS < mg/L are used as reuse water, and the removal rate is more than 90%, which achieves perfect filtration effect.
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