After the boiler is transported to the site, in order to put it into operation quickly, the following work must be done before installation:
1、 本锅炉的安装应按劳动部《热水锅炉技术监察规程》(九七修订颁)和GB50273-2009《锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范》的要求。
1. The installation of this boiler shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations for Safety and Technical Supervision of Hot Water Boilers (revised and promulgated in 1997) of the Ministry of Labor and the Regulations for Construction and Acceptance of Boiler Installation Engineering GB50273-2009.
2、 锅炉的安装单位,应经省级质量技术检督部门审查批准,锅炉安装前必须将锅炉房的平面布置及标明有关建筑距离的图纸送交当地锅炉压力容器监察机构审查同意,否则不准开工。
2. Professional installation units of boilers shall be examined and approved by provincial quality and technical supervision departments. Before installation of boilers, the layout of boilers and drawings indicating the building distance must be submitted to the local safety supervision agencies of boilers and pressure vessels for examination and approval. Otherwise, construction shall not start.

3、 锅炉安装前和安装过程中,若发现受压元件有变形损坏时,应停止安装并报告当地质检部门。
3. Before and during the installation of the boiler, if deformation and damage of the pressurized components are found, the installation shall be stopped and reported to the local quality inspection department.
4、 锅炉安装时,安装单位必须组织有关人员,遵照有关法规熟悉锅炉图纸,安装单位书等技术文件,编好安装施工方案后,方可进行安装。
4. When the boiler is installed, the installation unit must organize relevant personnel, familiarize themselves with the boiler drawings, installation unit books and other technical documents in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state, and compile the installation construction plan before the installation can be carried out.
5、 基础设备
5. Basic equipment
These are some of the knowledge summarized by Shandong Gas Boiler Company. I hope it will be helpful to you and welcome you to collect it. If you don't know anything about it, please consult the customer service staff of Shandong Gas Boiler's official website at http://www.jnlzsb.com.